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Hey Ya'll,
Right, well this is a response to Michele1218's open TAG.
I'm sure this will change as I get more, like Sketch will be on there once I get it and Humid, but for now here are my picks at the moment.
1. Woodwinked
2. Bronze/Mulch
3. Swish!
4. Satin Taupe
5. Creme De Violet
6. Kid
7. Corduroy8. Sweet Lust
9. Honesty
My Fav LEs (As I have almost equal amounts in my collection..)
1. Femmi-Fi (neo sci-fi/bbr)
2. Grand Entrance (starflash)
3. Mink&Sable (starflash)
4. Sweet Chestnut (spiced choc-cult of cherry)
5. Top Hat (starflash)
6. Mancatcher (lure)
7. Flashtrack (???its slipped my mind...)
*I didn't include carbon, because I really think that one EVERYONE should have, no matter what colour skin you are or colour eyes or colour of your hair! :P
Liz*Kisses from LNDN
Hey Ya'll,
So I do not want to be the barer of bad news, but here in the UK I have now heard on two different occasions that they might stop the B2M (mac recylcing programme). At first they were thinking of let us UKers B2M for an e/s or l/g in addition to l/s like in the states, then some idiot suggested just to stop it all together :(
In the states there is talk about not letting them B2M e/s pots.
Really MAC is being silly especially as most MAC addicts prefer palettes and counters do not sell pro pan refills :( Baci,
Liz*Kisses from LNDN
Hey Ya'll,
So this is stuff that I got from a MAC counter, a Mac PRO store, and online. Let me just say this is not a normal month, nor will a month of hauling every be repeated to this leave, I went over board!!
EYE SHADOWS: Amber Lights - Aquavert(lure) - Brule - Carbon - Cork - Cranberry - Cosmic(moonbathe) - Expensive Pink(neo sci-fi) - Flashtrack(idol eyes) - Femme-Fi(neo sci-fi) - Flip(bbr) - Grand Entrance(starflash) - Go(starflash) - Henna(bbr) - Illegal Cargo(naughty nauticals) - Kid - Magnetic Fields(neo sci-fi) - Mancatcher(lure) - Mink&Sable(starflash) - Moon's Reflection - Satin Taupe - Smoke&Diamonds(starflash)- Vellum
and I got my first QUAD - Spiced Chocolate(cult of cherry) which has:
Nanogold - Brash - Sweet Chestnut - Spiced Chocolate
PIGMENTS sample: Deep Blue Green - Sweet Sienna - Chocolate Brown
BRUSHES: 226(bbr crease/blender) - 227(large fluff brush) - 266(small angle brush) Brush Cleaner
LIPSTICKS: All's Fair(bbr) - B-Babe(bbr) - Pink Fish TLC(hk)- Sci Fi Delity(neo sci-fi)
CONCEALER: NW20(select moisturecover)
EYELINER: Phone Number(kohl) -Blacktrack(fluidline)
BLUSHES: Eversun(le) - Fashion Frenzy(fafi) - Feeling(le) - Tippy(hk) IRIDESCENT PRESSED POWDER: Sassed-Up(fafi)
EYE PRIMERS: Soft Ochre p/p - Cash Flow p/p - Layin' Low p/p - Rubenesque p/p
I think I may have a bit of a problem! But I did buy extra of a few items from the CCO to put up on E-Bay, check me out liz4uk!!
Liz*Kisses from LNDN*
Hey Ya'll,
Decisions, Decisions. So my first year wedding anniversary is coming soon, and I was trying to think what to do for presents. I already know what I am going to get my husband, but we havent really talked about what he is going to get me, but surprise surprise, I have an IDEA! , DUH- can we say M-to the A-to the C!! hehe But as I can buy e/s and other stuff anytime really...I figured this would be the perfect time to invest in brushes. Yes I could ask for jewlery, but I dont wear alot, or some other things, but at the moment MAC is my passion and I want something that will last at least for a few years. I was thinking of getting 5 brushes, as my husband and I will be going into our 5th year together. (thats my sentimental justification), its more like I'm after a few brushes and I had to round the number down!
So I am thinking the:
109-Small Contour (I'd use it for contouring and liquid foundation)
116-Blush Brush (my MA told me since I have a long face and that my 'cheekbones' are higher this one would be better)
129-Powder/Blush Brush (I'd use it for Blush)
134-Large Powder Brush (I'd use it for my Clinique Powder that I use as a bronzer, and a MSF Natural for setting my makeup)
138-Powder Brush (the softest thing, but only at Stores)
182-Buffer Brush (I'd use this to blend out/buff my powders)
187-Powder/Blush Brush (I'd use it for Blush, Liquid foundation, really I dont know if I NEED this one as this brush would do the same function as the previous 3, but I figure its something I just have to have-so if I skip this one then I would get either the 219 or the 224 which are on my list)
Please share your thoughts as I am having a hard time with deciding the last brush to get, the first 4, IMO are must haves for me at the moment!
Liz*Kisses from LNDN

**Comes out Thursday 9th of APRIL!!
Hey Ya'll,
So Its Collection time again, MAC is brilliant for bringing out some more LE stuff when your wallet/purse is just getting over the last hitnrun! So its SugarSweet this time...Overall, I like the idea of this collection. Super girlie and Spring-y and its got a sweet theme, and Im known for my sweet-tooth!! But with that said, not alot is screaming my name. The BBR collection was so far this years winner for me.
The eyeshadows are a good and supposedly have good textures and colour payoffs, but two are permanents (Club and StarsnRockest) and Sugarshot is like Phloof or other light hi-lighters...and Dear Cupcake might be dupeable (ie Sushi Flower which the sweet Vix aka Inconspicuous told me) and then there is Aquavert which is a repromote, and Im getting that in a swap...but if I really like it I may buy a backup..
The lipglasses do not have great payoff and I am gonna stay away from glosses in general as they just cause me to lick my lips even more, like my Pink Fish TLC..anyways.
The MSFs look ok, but not what I want my first MSF to be, as you always remember your first! ;)
The Lipsticks and the Shadesticks look like the stars of this collection. Bubbles and St Germain are very popular, but I do not know how much use I would get out of them, I am looking at Lollipop Lovin and Sweet Thing (even if i didnt like that one I would probably get it cuz of the name :P).
Shadesticks all look great but Im for sure getting Cakeshop (colour and name) and Im being convinced into needing Lemon Ciffon and maybe Butternutty.
Tell me your thoughts and what ya'll are getting!
So I went the Friday after the stuff came out, and how were two of the lippies already sold out St Germain (not on my list as its permanent over here) and Bubbles cuz everyone was saying how its great to tone-down colours. I passed on Sweet Thing, cuz when I swatched it on my hand it looked like All's Fair(bbr). But supposedly thats the only LE lippie of the collection, so when I go for the Rose Romance stuff I might see if they have gotten more Bubbles in, which correct me if I am wrong is perm, but my counter (HoF) GUILDFORD only got 3 in, how silly.
So anyways I got Lollipop Lovin, really pretty colour, and I was told previously I should try glazes as I have dry lips, but Im not sure about this one, it left a weird 'film/residue' on my lips...I also got my pre-decided Cakeshop and Lemon Chiffon, I love both. And another Smolder cuz that is still my HG e/l!!
Oh and I got my make-up done, I knew what I wanted, and I stupidly shoulda taken pics, next time I will bring my camera cuz my Bberry just wont do the job. I had my MA use cakeshop, (inner--outwards) aquavert, StarsNRockets, Club, and Deep Blue Green piggie. And I requested her to use the 109 and Studio Sculpt and I got samples to try at home, to make sure I wouldnt breakout. So far I really like both the concealer on foundation.
I have to say I love the Girls at my counter in the HoF Guildford, they are all so friendly and helpful.
Liz*Kisses from LNDN

Hey Ya'll,
So I have been kinda looking for a Makeup Mirror for multiple reasons. 1-To get me out of the bathroom that I share in the morning. 2-To aid me when applying my make-up (LINERS!!). 3-Because, IMO, it is a must have when doing your make-up-duh! :) So I was getting super jealous of all these people having cheap ones in the States and I couldn't find one. BUT!! Boots is having a sale on the above mentioned lighted mirror. its normally £40 but now it is only £20! Plus you get your advantage points. Also if you already have a boots card you should be getting some point vouchers through the post where if you spend over £40 you get 350points (which means £3.5),but of course mine arrived in the post today, while I was at work and I bought the mirror during my lunch break, ughs...anyways if you girls do not have a boots card, get one! So I will let you know how my first morning of make-up goes with using my new mirror. Im super excited! :)
Liz*Kisses from LNDN
Hey Ya'll,
Some of you know that I went out of town this past weekend to Amsterdam. We (my husband and I and his friend) drove there. When we arrived in France we ended up driving through some industrial/chemical accident that they had in Dunkerque (which I cant find any information on the Internet..?). Anyways so that was kinda sucky as you could feel this chemical when you breathed in...but before we left I got some great news! I got a job with I will be dealing with supplier support for one of the smaller companies, Holiday Autos. I start tomorrow at 9:30. I found this out on Friday at 5:30, needless to say I said 'Hell Yea' now I can really enjoy this holiday, so I did, I ate way too much food.
Ok so the point of this babble on this blog-the Make-up section. I had already found out where the MAC stores in Amsterdam where because my MUA mate, Wenvers, gave me awesome directions! and since we stopped in Breda, they have a new Sephora, so I stopped there but they didn't have Smashbox (I was thinking of their Primer) or Nars (for Orgasm or Laguna Blush) or MUFE (camouflage concealer) I didn't get anything. With the MAC stores, the first one I tried to go to was in a big department store, I had to wait for them to open at 12...I was maybe the third person to the counter, and no one even said help to me..that really gets my goat. then I found the freestanding MAC store and a great MA. I was thinking of treating myself for the Redhed or Blonde MSF, but they were sold out. ..then I was thinking ok so I will just get a regular MSF, he told me I should use Medium Deep cuz it will take some of the olive colour out of me. but that one was really expensive...I was shocked how expensive prices are in euros. For example the 134 is 63euros where as here it is 35£ odd. I ended up getting 3 pro pan shadows, even though they were more expensive, I wanted to treat myself for getting the job. So I got Satin Taupe, finally and its LOVE, great all over colour. then I got Kid, as I had to replace my fake one, I love how this one goes on, so smooth, and its perfect for my skin colour to use to blend out my shadows in the browbone. Oh and I got Vellum, which I think is a Pro colour, the MA showed me how it has a tint of blue when you play around with it, so with that I was sold, plus I can always use a white colour. Oh and I got a sample of Deep Blue Green piggie :)
Oh and I havnde decided that for my 1-year anniversary with my hubby, that I was going to get him a SAT NAV, a for me BRUSHES, I will post more about this in a new topic.
Btw, it totally sucked not having Internet while I was on holiday!
Liz*Kisses from LNDN
Hey Ya'll,
So just a quick not about B2Ming, which is MACs recycling programme. Basically if you bring in 6 empty containers, eyeshadows, lipsticks, quads, brush cleaner, or anything that says b2m on the box, you will get a 'free' lipstick (but not the VIVA GLAMs as those are for charity). Now I know in the states, those lucky ducks get to choose between an eyeshadow, lipgloss, OR lipstick, but here where are not so lucky, personally I do not understand why, considering a lipstick is more expensive than an e/s, so would it be more in MACs interest...dunno that's just my opinion, maybe we could all start calling up customer service and complaining so they change their policy...hmmzz
Oh also the MAC at the HoF in Guildford just needs the pot of the e/s, it doesn't need the pan or anything else, it needs only the easy part :) and the Pro store in London said the same thing, basically it is up to the Manager at the store/counter, so call before you go!
Liz*Kisses from LNDN
Hey Ya'll,
So this is where I'm gonna ramble on and tell you all my tricks and little helpers that I have been picking up.
Depotting Your MAC Eyeshadows:
I use EnKoreMakeup's method. So far I find this really useful, because I didn't think that me and fire would make a good mix! Also I do not have a cheap flat iron....I use Surgical Spirit (which any chemist would have), which is like American rubbing alcohol, just when using this method, keep putting the spirit in there, do NOT force out the shadow, otherwise it will break!
As for getting off the label, at the moment I use my hairdryer for like 3 mins and it comes off fairly easy...others use a candle which maybe works even better, but I am not sure if my MAC would accept a burnt pot for B2Ming...
Also, HobbyCraft has a role of magnetic tape, which is what I use.
Side Note: I am trying to find the ingredients for a mixing medium, I still need to find out where to get isopropyl alcohol here in the UK, I got glycerin at Boots tho!
Making Your Brush Cleaner into a Spray Bottle:
So the lovely Fafinettex3 does a video on how to clean your brushes, but she has a spray top on it, which makes it so much easier. I use the spray top from my old Aussie Leave-in-Conditioner (which is also one of my fav hair products)
Liz*Kisses from LNDN*
Hey Ya'll,
So while in London yesterday I figured I would stop at the Pro Store, since I have never been...on the way there I passed a Benefit store, mentally storing the address for later use :P. So anyways I was kinda shocked as the Pro store is kinda tiny, compared to the one in Covent Garden....or even the two MAC counters I have been too....I just assumed it would be bigger as it was the PRO store, but you know what they say when you assume things, it makes an ass out of u and me, but in this case, just me.
So I don't know how everyone else feels, but since I have worked in retail myself, I like good customer service..and with the girl that helped me yesterday, who btw was beautiful, great hair and makeup, but it almost seemed like it was too much of an effort to help me, although there was one other person in the store (getting a makeover) and two more ppl working there....anyways I got a few things added to my MARCH HAUL post...
but I asked her about the 109...and she didn't know what brush that was...strike one...then I wanted a sample of the Studio Fix foundation...and i mentioned that I tend to be drier than oily...and she told me to get the Select foundation liquid...but i read the MUA reviews...some of the lowest I have ever seen for a MAC product like 50% and most people said that it dries them out or makes them look even I'm kinda frustrated...
If anyone knows a good LONG LASTING liquid foundation with buildable MEDIUM coverage, please let me know, it can be High END or Drugstore, just as long as it lasts. I had tried Body Shops Moisture foundation, which I don't mind, but it fades in like 4 hours...
Liz*Kisses from LNDN*

Hey Ya'll,
So I know everyone is crazy about this collection, but for some reasons it is not calling my name, which is good because I am spending money trying to get some of the Starflash eyeshadows. On my list was only really a few things, Pink Fish TLC, one of the compacts because they are so cute! and maybe one of the make-up bags, I am leaning towards the bigger one, oh and the two pigments, especially Deep Blue Green.
The reason I am skipping the quads is because of two reasons, Make-Up By TiffanyD has put swatches of REALLY close dupes on her blog and because with those quads, although they are super-cute, the mirror annoys me, because I know I would get finger prints on it and that would drive me nuts, I'm a little OCD like that.
I had really really wanted the brushes when I had seen the first promo shots, but I soon changed my mind A.) the handles look childish, yes I realise this is HK, but nothing else looks like that, plus they didnt have the numbers, once again I am so OCD that when I put clear nail polish on, I put tape down first! and B.) because everyone talks about how the quality of the Holiday/Special Brushes arent that good, so although I really wanted all 3, I figured it would be better to save the money and put it towards the real thing!
As I mentioned on my list was one of the blushes or beauty powders, and everyone was talking about TIPPY, which I so cannot believe, but I won it from the wonderful Michele1218
from her YT contest!! So excited, seriously ya'll, I NEVER win things!! As HK is only be released today here in the UK, I am going to wait until next week to go..and I will let you all know what I think!
EDIT: So I was getting kinda scared of the Tippy Blush, as it looks SOOO pink on peoples videos, and I'm not a super girlie girl...then when it arrived in the super cute packaging I was like ok, deep breath, then I opened it, seriously blindingly bright pink, but now I have used it a couple times and I LOVE it, it gives such a nice colour on your cheeks and it is definitely buildable which is good.
Liz*Kisses from LNDN*
Hey Ya'll,
So I am realise I am pathetically behind, and that it was like a collection ago....But because the BBR is the first collection since I got into MAC, I figured I would share my thoughts.
So I don't know if I am going to get any MSF, just cuz they are so expensive...and I am still just starting...and I'm an eyeshadow girl. So in theory I like all the colours, but everyone is saying:
KNIGHT-KNIGHT DIVINE* or SILVER RING* over K.D.TOP KNOT- BEAUTY MARKED^ but doesn't have a great texture or payoff
FLIP-GOLDMINE/GORGEOUS GOLDFRENCH CUFF- EXPENSIVE PINK*/PARADISCO/MYTHOLOGY/BOLD&BRAZEN(sf) beautiful colour by a non-user friendly texture..shame100 STROKES-combination of TWINKS* & SKETCH*DEEP SHADE-like DEEP TRUTH/CONTRAST*, but with a bad texture/colour payoff
FEMMI-FI- repromote (neo sci-fi) and like SHROOM^/RICEPAPER*(^means I already have.....*means its on my wishlist)
So my plan was after I did all this research online, I took everything into consideration: the colour, the texture, the payoff, and how badly I 'needed' the colour and then go and see what I thought of the colours in person...I really liked all...but my logic was that if I could find something close IMO that it could wait, also because I really don't like buying the eye shadows in pots...
I thought:
DEEP SHADE, looked beautiful, if you could get the colour to payoff, as the texture was rubbish, for a lack of a better word it felt dry, and the colour is really close to CONTRAST (IMO) so I made myself skip that one.
KNIGHT, great texture, but it is similar to KNIGHT DIVINE, and I actually liked that one better, and I put SILVER RING on top just to see if I could get KNIGHT, and you so can!
FRENCH CUFF, gorgeous, but the texture was rubbish, but I couldn't compare it with EXPENSIVE PINK, but oh wells, I must add that you could get a similar effect with GLEAM*
FLIP, I got this one, because to me it wasn't close enough to the others, and I liked this colour better, and great texture/payoff!
HENNA, I got this one, yes it was so close to SO, but I figured this could be more versatile with less green tones in it, plus I am going to buy M&S online which is supposed to be also like SO but greener.
Also I B2Med for ALL'S FAIR & B-BABE, B-Babe is like bombshell, but better and with a sparkle to it, and All's Fair it glides on and stays on, which is a problem because it is more berry-coloured than I normally go for...
I really really wanted the 226, but it sold out in London super fast, then out near me I had one I hold, but they sold it!:( then I called the one in KT and they said they had a lot, so I rushed right over (40min drive), and nope, they had the 266, even though I had clearly mentioned it being part of the BBR!
So I spent most of the morning calling around, its sold out, except in Kent, which is like over an hour away....but I spoke to someone at the Mail Order place, and they said they might be re-launching it in the summer with one of the collections!! and in the US there is already 'talk' of it being permanent!
Right, so that's my BBR ramble, almost 2 months late!
Liz*Kisses from LNDN*