So I am realise I am pathetically behind, and that it was like a collection ago....But because the BBR is the first collection since I got into MAC, I figured I would share my thoughts.
So I don't know if I am going to get any MSF, just cuz they are so expensive...and I am still just starting...and I'm an eyeshadow girl. So in theory I like all the colours, but everyone is saying:
TOP KNOT- BEAUTY MARKED^ but doesn't have a great texture or payoff
FRENCH CUFF- EXPENSIVE PINK*/PARADISCO/MYTHOLOGY/BOLD&BRAZEN(sf) beautiful colour by a non-user friendly texture..shame
100 STROKES-combination of TWINKS* & SKETCH*
DEEP SHADE-like DEEP TRUTH/CONTRAST*, but with a bad texture/colour payoff
FEMMI-FI- repromote (neo sci-fi) and like SHROOM^/RICEPAPER*
(^means I already have.....*means its on my wishlist)
So my plan was after I did all this research online, I took everything into consideration: the colour, the texture, the payoff, and how badly I 'needed' the colour and then go and see what I thought of the colours in person...I really liked all...but my logic was that if I could find something close IMO that it could wait, also because I really don't like buying the eye shadows in pots...
I thought:
DEEP SHADE, looked beautiful, if you could get the colour to payoff, as the texture was rubbish, for a lack of a better word it felt dry, and the colour is really close to CONTRAST (IMO) so I made myself skip that one.
KNIGHT, great texture, but it is similar to KNIGHT DIVINE, and I actually liked that one better, and I put SILVER RING on top just to see if I could get KNIGHT, and you so can!
FRENCH CUFF, gorgeous, but the texture was rubbish, but I couldn't compare it with EXPENSIVE PINK, but oh wells, I must add that you could get a similar effect with GLEAM*
FLIP, I got this one, because to me it wasn't close enough to the others, and I liked this colour better, and great texture/payoff!
HENNA, I got this one, yes it was so close to SO, but I figured this could be more versatile with less green tones in it, plus I am going to buy M&S online which is supposed to be also like SO but greener.
Also I B2Med for ALL'S FAIR & B-BABE, B-Babe is like bombshell, but better and with a sparkle to it, and All's Fair it glides on and stays on, which is a problem because it is more berry-coloured than I normally go for...
I really really wanted the 226, but it sold out in London super fast, then out near me I had one I hold, but they sold it!:( then I called the one in KT and they said they had a lot, so I rushed right over (40min drive), and nope, they had the 266, even though I had clearly mentioned it being part of the BBR!
So I spent most of the morning calling around, its sold out, except in Kent, which is like over an hour away....but I spoke to someone at the Mail Order place, and they said they might be re-launching it in the summer with one of the collections!! and in the US there is already 'talk' of it being permanent!
Right, so that's my BBR ramble, almost 2 months late!
*Kisses from LNDN*